Iraqi archaeological heritage and its destruction throughout time


  • Fernando Espejel Arroyo Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Keywords: iraq, archaeological heritage, looting, cultural heritage, middle east


The current country of Iraq is located in an area where the main cultures of the Ancient East settled down. A priceless cultural heritage which was studied by the country for years. Its majestic past was the pride of the nation. When Iraq was overrun back in 2003, the press published the looting of the National Museum, though it was not just an isolated event, but the most painful one the country had suffered throughout time. In the first place, the pillage from the European colonizing countries interested in increasing the collections of their own museums. Followed by the presence of international unscrupulous mafias, several disastrous wars and an international embargo which lasted for twelve years. All the mentioned episodes worsened even more the difficult situation of the country, which resulted in serious consequences for the cultural heritage.


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How to Cite
Espejel Arroyo, F. (2015). Iraqi archaeological heritage and its destruction throughout time. Panta Rei. Digital Journal of History and Didactics of History, 9(-), 9–25.