The Babylonian captivity and its impact on the faith of the Israeli people


  • Francisco Precioso Izquierdo
Keywords: ancient history, history of israel, bible, cultural identity


The captivity of the Israeli people in Babylon corresponds to one of the many and saddest episodes that led Israel, for the second time in a very short time, to leave their land in a forced way and in considerable proportions (which does not mean that the city and the country will be completely empty), as a consequence of the confrontation with the neo-Babylonian empire of King Nebuchadnezzar II. We are facing a work that is based on the Israeli identity from its beginning, marked by the promise of salvation and its choice as the "promised land", it has pilgrimaged throughout the world, finding wherever it was, misery and repression. Such is the tragedy of the history of Israel that even today, at the beginning of the 21st century, the confirmation of its identity as a nation and the limits of its territory with other peoples such as the Palestinian continues to be disputed. This article will be based on this idea and will try to answer some initial questions: Are the most splendid moments those that leave a memory worth studying in the inheritance of the peoples? Is glory a wish of all peoples throughout history?


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Precioso Izquierdo (2006)

How to Cite
Precioso Izquierdo, F. (2006). The Babylonian captivity and its impact on the faith of the Israeli people. Panta Rei. Digital Journal of History and Didactics of History, 5, 103–108.