Between the myth and the history: Israelite´s Exodus from Egypt to Canaan


  • David Vilar Vegas Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: archaeology, middle eastern history, biblical literature, travel, jews


This essay focuses on the thematic premise which realizes a suitable exhibition of the Israelite´s Exodus from Egypt. It is essential to rely on the contributions of the archaeological findings, the literary sources and the majority of the Bible with the most number of research studies conducted by the specialists of this matter.
There is a theoretical - methodological perspective and a critical approach that leads to presenting, first, the contribution for each of the sources and the support for the diverse approaches. Later, it will focus on a contrast of all of this with the aim that the support for each of the analyzed topics has a strong theoretical and empirical support.


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How to Cite
Vilar Vegas, D. (2017). Between the myth and the history: Israelite´s Exodus from Egypt to Canaan. Panta Rei. Digital Journal of History and Didactics of History, 11(-), 9–21.