Work and Gender Roles During Prehistory. A Study about Their Perception in History Students


Keywords: archaeology, education, gender issues, femenism, sex stereotypes, prehistory


From traditional archaeology an image of Prehistory has been transmitted where activities and roles are attributed to women or men, frequently in uenced by contemporary conceptions. In this paper we analyse the perceptions of History students about a series of statements, presented in a questionnaire based on a Likert rating scale. These statements associate activities with one sex or the other in prehistoric contexts. This research has allowed us to acknowledge the presence of some of these stereotyped visions among the students. The need of incorporating the feminist perspective into historical studies is highlighted, in order to be able to identify these stereotypes that constrain the image we have of prehistoric times.


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How to Cite
Pastor Quiles, M., & Mateo Corredor, D. (2019). Work and Gender Roles During Prehistory. A Study about Their Perception in History Students. Panta Rei. Digital Journal of History and Didactics of History, 13, 37–53.