Photography; Quest; Tlemcen; Past; Present
The work of Mohammed Dib is an attempt to dive literature into the real and into reality; the real as a deescrtion of what is lived and the reality to the extent where fiction is only an excuse to express an existential contents than the Algerian in particular, and Man in general knows.
In this entity, the quest for a certain identity and a certain past becomes significant for understanding the roundabouts of a present that is in tune with what the Algerian lived. Tlemcen, or the Writing Places, with other than the purely literary scope it offers to the reader, is a work of quest. It implicitly suggests the content of a certain Algeria that the author-photographer highlights to enable the reader- viewer to know a past that, normally, would never have given birth to the present situation of Algeria. It is an investigation into the foundations of the historical changes which are transforming the living of a city and, by extension, of a nation.
In our article, we will see how self-quest is a quest for the original tortured place. We will also discuss the primordial role of photography in the story as evidence on a certain temporal and spatial entity, and we will question, in a third point, the added value of the contribution of the photographer Philippe Bordas in the edition of this book.
DIB, Mohammed (1994a) : Tlemcen ou les lieux de l’écriture, Photographies, 1946. Paris Revue noire.
DIB, Mohammed (1994b) : L’Infante maure, Paris: Albin Michel.
DIB, Mohammed (1998) : L’Arbre à dires, Paris: Albin Michel.
DIB, Mohammed (2000) : Le Cœur insulaire, Paris: La Différence, Coll. Clepsydre. (2003) : Simorgh, Paris: Albin Michel.
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