Scales on University Social Responsibility in university students: a scoping review
Supporting Agencies
- University social responsibility
- Validation Study
- reliability
- Factor Analysis, Statistical
University Social Responsibility (USR) emphasizes the need for institutions to respond to societal challenges through increased engagement. For university students, this means adopting not only a broader professional perspective but also an understanding of the political, social, and economic dimensions. Therefore, implementing USR among university students is a crucial aspect of this process. The aim of this scoping review was to analyze the validation processes of USR scales applied to university students. The review identified 161 results, 17 of which met the inclusion criteria. Most of the research was conducted in Latin America. All studies employed a Likert scale to assess USR, with 13 studies conducting an exploratory factor analysis and all performing assessments of internal consistency or overall reliability. Overall, the validity and reliability of the scales showed satisfactory results, though only one study included a test-retest analysis. These findings underscore that USR has a vital role in cultivating competent and socially responsible professionals. Additionally, it can serve as a key differentiator for universities in a competitive landscape, enhancing initiatives that provide students with opportunities to engage in more mindful and collective-oriented behaviors.
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