Critical reading competence in family medicine residents




Currently, the specialist doctor has as part of the discharge profile the search, analysis and discussion of information. Reading comprehension is generated after the relationship of the text with the reader and is responsible for building knowledge by relating what has been read and what has been learned. We set out to evaluate the level of critical reading competence in family medicine (MF) residents of the Family Medicine Unit No. 24 (U.M.F. No.24). from the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS); To evaluate whether they have critical reading competence, the critical reading evaluation instrument was applied (Campos A et al. 2016). 63% of MF residents presented a medium level of reading comprehension. No statistical significance was found when correlating the variables reading comprehension and gender, and by correlating reading comprehension and age. We conclude that the critical reading competence found in the resident doctors of the U.M.F. No. 24 is of a medium level, being higher than the level found in other studies under similar conditions. It is necessary to establish educational strategies that improve the skills of critical reading of medical articles.


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How to Cite
Rojas Carrillo, E., Montoya Trejo, H. A., Benites Godínez, V., Velasco González, L. E., Ramirez Corona, A. G., & Benítez Godínez, E. M. (2024). Critical reading competence in family medicine residents. Spanish Journal of Medical Education, 5(1).

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