Educational strategies for uncertainty tolerance in students and healthcare professionals: A systematic review.
In recent decades, interest in uncertainty tolerance (IT) in health professionals has increased. Poor ability to tolerate uncertainty has been linked to higher levels of stress and increased likelihood of burnout syndrome. However, IT is not considered in the health professions curriculum, and its presence is relegated to the hidden curriculum. It is necessary to know what educational strategies can be helpful for teachers to address IT in future professionals. This review aims to identify these educational strategies and their effectiveness. A search was carried out in the databases PubMed, Scopus, and Cinahl, and after applying a screening process, seven articles were selected and finally analysed. The results have identified three models of educational strategies: strategies based on visual thinking, strategies based on interaction with animals, and conventional educational strategies. We conclude by highlighting, on the one hand, that no strategy has shown greater efficacy than the rest and, on the other hand, IT has been studied, mainly in the medical community. In the future, research of higher quality and oriented to all health professions must be carried out.
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