Formative and working conditions of health professionals in training in the Region of Murcia.


  • Domingo A. Sánchez Martínez Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia, Spain
  • Pablo Madrigal Laguía Unidad Docente Multiprofesional de Atención Familiar y Comunitaria Cartagena-Mar Menor; Complejo Universitario Hospitalario de Cartagena; Servicio Murciano de Salud
  • José Angel Guardiola Olmos Unidad Docente de Pediatría y sus Áreas Específicas; Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgende la Arrixaca; Servicio Murciano de Salud
  • Marta Cañadilla-Ferreira Unidad Docente de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública de la Región de Murcia; ServicioMurciano de Salud
  • Eduardo Sánchez Martínez Hospital General Universitario Morales Meseguer, Servicio Murciano de Salud, Murcia
  • Santiago Serrano Porta Unidad Docente Multiprofesional de Atención Familiar y Comunitaria Cartagena-Mar Menor;Complejo Universitario Hospitalario de Cartagena; Servicio Murciano de Salud
Keywords: Specializaed Health Formation, Residents, 24 hour shifts, Specialized Health Formation


The aim of this study is to analyse, by means of a descriptive study, an analysis of the working conditions of healthcare staff in training in the Murcian Health Service after the implementation of the measures agreed between the Works Committee and the Murcian Health Service (SMS) during the month of November 2020. To this end, a total of 284 responses were collected by means of a direct form including residents of all years, specialities and areas within the SMS. A large majority of trainees are aware of the agreement signed to improve their working conditions. Among the results, it is worth noting that a significant majority do not have an adequate place to rest during the complementary working days known as on call, despite the agreement signed, nor do they have 36 hours of compensatory rest per week. There are insignificant improvements in terms of research, attendance at courses and hours of autonomous training. Knowing the reality in which the residents live after the signing of the agreement serves as a basis for guaranteeing their rights, and for the services, those responsible for teaching and teaching units, to ensure compliance and thus avoid situations such as those seen during the crisis in Specialised Healthcare Training in the Region of Murcia which led to the call for a strike.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Martínez, D. A., Madrigal Laguía, P., Guardiola Olmos, J. A., Cañadilla-Ferreira, M., Sánchez Martínez, E., & Serrano Porta, S. (2021). Formative and working conditions of health professionals in training in the Region of Murcia. Spanish Journal of Medical Education, 2(2).

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