Figures of romantic Irony. The philosophical Reception of Romanticism beyond Modernity


  • Germán Garrido Española
Keywords: Romanticism, Irony, Modernity, Deconstruction


This paper deals with the philosophical reception of romantic irony. It focuses on three main points: (1) the critic of irony as a negative infinity by Hegel and Kierkegaard; (2) the linkages of irony with an apolitical attitude in Carl Schmitt and Georg Lukács; and (3) the apropiation of irony by deconstruction theory. As the paper proposes, only the reconsideration of some some main aspects from the modernity allowed the recognition of the romantic aesthetic dimensión.


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How to Cite
Garrido, G. (2023). Figures of romantic Irony. The philosophical Reception of Romanticism beyond Modernity. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (89), 83–98.