Portuguese Validation of the Grit-S scale for the sport context


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/cpd.552491
Keywords: validez, cuestionario, consistencia en el interés, perserverancia en el esfuerzo, contexto deportivo


Grit involves a passion and persistent attitude and being able to sustain focus and determination even in the face of obstacles and failures. Perseverance in effort contributes to the achievement of mastery and consistency in interests promotes the commitment to deliberate practice in pursuit of excellence. The aim of the present study was to validate the Portuguese Short Grit Scale in the context of sport. The sample was composed of 446 federated athletes (328 males and 190 females; M age = 17,60 years; SD = 6,27). After removing one item from the Grit–S, the confirmatory factor analysis showed that the two-factor structure scale is reasonable in the Portuguese sample. The measurement model was found be invariant in function of gender. Additionally, we found a significant negative correlation between consistency of interests and persistence. In conclusion, the Portuguese version of the Short Grit-S, adapted for the sports context, presented two factors with adequate psychometric properties to be applied in this context by coaches and sport psychologists.


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How to Cite
Birr, C., Hernandez-Mendo, A. ., Monteiro, D., & Rosado, A. (2023). Portuguese Validation of the Grit-S scale for the sport context. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 23(3). https://doi.org/10.6018/cpd.552491
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