The impact of training on football refereeing performance


Keywords: football referees, career, formal education, excellence, training


Those responsible for global football refereeing have encouraged the development of formal training programs that meet the requirements of referee activity. Thus, this study aimed to: i) analyze the perceptions of expert referees about the introduction of formal training programs throughout the career (Academy of refereeing - AA - for football referees) in Portugal; (ii) verify the impact of the AA on the referees' performance in referees who participated in this training model and those who did not participate.

For this purpose, 2 complementary studies were conducted. In study 1, five Portuguese football refereeing experts were interviewed, based on a semi-structured interview, with content analysis. In study 2, the performance of the referees of the national ranking of 2009-18 (N=243) were collected, and were grouped according to their training: Group 1 (n=82)  promoted directly; Group 2 (n=86) promoted from categories after training in AA; Group 3 (n=75) elements that have not been promoted.

The results of study 1 revealed: i) a significant change in the training curriculum of Portuguese referees since 2013-14; (ii) the existence of gaps in the formative and classification process; iii) the existence of a culture of individualism and competition in the sector. The results of study 2 revealed only significant differences between the G3 and G2 groups.

It was concluded that improvements in the training process were realized, although there were no significant improvements in performance. Experience was identified as the variable that positively influenced the referees’ performance.


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Author Biographies

Bruno Travassos, Universidade Beira Interior

Ema P. Oliveira, Universidade Beira Interior


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How to Cite
Mendes, S., Travassos, B., & Oliveira, E. P. (2021). The impact of training on football refereeing performance. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 21(1), 43–59.
Psicología del Deporte