Five-factor model of personality disorders: Spanish normative data and validation


  • Joaquín Colodro Universidad de Murcia
  • Juan J. López-García Universidad de Murcia
  • Laura Mezquita Universitat Jaume I Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Salud Mental (CIBERSAM), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid
  • Lucía Colodro-Conde QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute Universidad de Murcia
  • Manuel I. Ibáñez Universitat Jaume I Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Salud Mental (CIBERSAM), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid
  • Silvia Edo Universitat Jaume I Hospital de Día, Hospital Provincial de Castelló
  • Elena Villa Universitat Jaume I
  • Generós Ortet Universitat Jaume I Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Salud Mental (CIBERSAM), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid
Keywords: FFM, personality disorder, NEO PI-R, Spanish normative data, construct validity


The categorical approach of personality disorders (PD) has given way to a dimensional paradigm. Within this, the Five-factor model (FFM) proposes theoretical hypotheses describing personality pathologies and PD empirical prototypes based on the DSM (DSM-PD). Moreover, a methodology to score DSM-PD using the NEO PI-R facets was developed. In this ex post-facto study FFM-PD count norms were developed using data from the NEO PI-R Spanish adaptation. Furthermore, the diagnostic agreement with the IPDE and validity of FFM-PD counts was analyzed in a clinical (n = 222) and non-clinical sample (n = 742). Based on NEO PI-R scores, we presented Spanish FFM-PD normative data. FFM-PD benchmarks were highly likely to be exceeded if subjects were classified as a subclinical case in the DSM-PD. Convergent correlations of FFM-PD counts with their equivalent subclinical cases of DSM-PD were statistically significant and outperformed any divergent correlation as well as the average divergent correlations in all FFM-PD. The use of a count technique based on NEO PI-R facets and Spanish FFM-PD normative data facilitate PD understanding and interpretation in various applied psychology fields.


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How to Cite
Colodro, J., López-García, J. J., Mezquita, L., Colodro-Conde, L., Ibáñez, M. I., Edo, S., … Ortet, G. (2018). Five-factor model of personality disorders: Spanish normative data and validation. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 34(2), 264–273.
Clinical and Health Psychology

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