Effects of assisted training with neurofeedback on EEG measures, executive function and mood in a sample from normal population
Training in neurofeedback (NF) is to teach individuals to modify, adjust and enhance their brain activity pattern. The aim of our research was to evaluate the effect of training on cognitive processes, specifically executive function, and affect in a non-clinical sample. A sample of 30 female college students were assigned to three groups: HD: right hemisphere (n = 10), HI: left hemisphere (n = 10) and control (n = 10). The dominance pattern of beta and the inhibition of the theta pattern were trained in a single session. Measures of executive function (Iowa Gambling Test) and questionnaires of mood (PANAS and POMS) were taken pre and post training. We found that NF training produced significant positive changes in executive performance in the HD group. In the EEG a tendency to improve the beta wave after the training emerged too. Additionally, significant correlations were found between executive performance and negative affect relative to theta frequency band. We conclude that the protocol seems effective to enhance some aspects of executive function as well as to decrease the theta waves favors the reduction of negative affect.Downloads
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