The processes of technology research from a mixed perspective


Keywords: mixed educational research, technology, qualitative data, quantitative data


Technology has changed the way we understand society and human action. In research processes where technology plays a role, obtaining and analysing data has become an integral part since digitalisation, and since this process leaves traces of information that we can analyse comparatively in a qualitative and quantitative way. Educational processes are also integrated by technological uses, which, in some way, are helping us to improve and complete the processes of analysis and research. The mixed designs, where information is collected, organised, and analysed by mixing qualitative and quantitative information, have been supported by the information that technology provides us with on educational activities. This paper aims to situate, as well as to show the contributions that mixed methods research has made to improve educational research processes. These steps are shown with the support of educational experiences, supported by technology and mixed research designs. This has helped us to generate a better understanding of processes that previously only relied on a small glance, that of the observer looking at a group of learners or asking them how their learning was taking place.


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How to Cite
Rubia Avi, B. (2022). The processes of technology research from a mixed perspective. RiiTE Interuniversity Journal of Research in Educational Technology, 80–92.