The digital competence of Vocational Training students: a systematic review
The systematic review that is presented aims to show the state of the art on the digital competence of Vocational Training students. The digital competence of students is today an essential aspect for the proper adaptation to the labor market, in addition to their own personal and academic development. Vocational Training reaches a relevant interest as it is a training with a clearly professionalizing objective. The aim of the study is to answer the question about what we know about digital competence in Vocational Training students and what level the students show. A systematic review of the most relevant scientific literature is carried out based on the design of the search parameters and on the application of filters following the PRISMA 2020 declaration and the PICOS strategy, finally 3 studies belonging to DIALNET, SCOPUS database and WOS using the search period 2006-2022 were selected. The articles finally analyzed deal with the digital competence of Basic Vocational Training students, a comparison between the digital competence of Vocational Training German students and an analysis of the digital competence of the professional branch of commerce also in Germany. The results show that the educational stage of Vocational Training is scarcely studied and researched, and that the students of this educational stage show lower levels of digital competence in relation to students of higher training stages, in addition to perceiving and using technology to a great extent on a personal and leisure level more than on academic one. It is concluded, therefore, that an attractive line of research is open up before us both due to the lack of studies and the need to analyze in depth the profile of these students in the use and acquisition of digital skills.
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