The development of Digital Teaching Competence in Higher Education. A systematic review of the literature


Keywords: Systematic Review, Teaching Digital Competence, Higher Education


This article aims to present the results of a Systematic Literature Review on the level development of Teaching Digital Competence in Higher Education. Articles were selected based on inclusion criteria, events of interest and keywords, used in the search engines of three databases: Redalyc, Scopus and ERIC, including studies in Spanish and English carried out between 2015 and 2015. 2021.

We worked through a methodology that divided the process into four stages in which a thorough selection of articles was carried out, using the COMDID Rubric and the PRISMA 2020. Through this methodology, findings and levels of development of the CDD were described, which made it possible to obtain the results of the review based on the dimensions and indicators of the COMDID Rubric for the 47 selected articles. Reports of experiences with ICT were identified, describing an ideal scenario, but where the highest levels in the development of CDD are not materialized, and without didactic intervention in the institutional educational practices of teachers at the expert or transformative levels.


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How to Cite
García, M., Morales González, M. J., & Gisbert Cervera, M. (2022). The development of Digital Teaching Competence in Higher Education. A systematic review of the literature. RiiTE Interuniversity Journal of Research in Educational Technology, 173–199.