The assessment of entrepreneurial competence: a research in a secondary school


Keywords: Entrepreneurial competence, E-portfolio, Evaluation rubrics, Triangular assessment


The European Recommendations of 2006, and subsequently those of 2008, highlight the need to consider the key competences for the development of learning within the school curricula. From various researches (European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice, 2016) has emerged the need to develop in particular the entrepreneurial skills of young people since they are considered fundamental for the transition from school to the world of work. The purpose of this research is to show the importance of entrepreneurial competence for the integral development of each student through the use of ad hoc evaluation rubrics inserted in an innovative E-portfolio that assumes a triangular evaluation process participated by teachers and students. The evaluation rubrics used for this purpose were created as part of an Erasmus KA 201 project and referred to the EntreComp framework. From the analysis of the data collected, it emerges that the evaluation of the teachers does not differ significantly from the self-evaluation of the students, who generally appear more positive in all three competences analyzed.


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How to Cite
Delpozzo, P. M. ., & Szpunar, G. (2022). The assessment of entrepreneurial competence: a research in a secondary school. RiiTE Interuniversity Journal of Research in Educational Technology, (12), 76–94.