Placing Local Learning Ecosystems at the Forefront of Technological Globalization: Challenges faced by Post-Pandemic Digital Educational Models


Keywords: COVID-19, educational models, digital education, learning ecosystems, critical pedagogy


Education has offered multiple, urgent, and tentative responses to Covid-19, generated by trial and error and still pending validation. To understand the impact of these responses, this article advocates for the study of how global technologies have influenced the pursuit of local learning experiences. In addition, the article emphasizes the need to investigate what kinds of theoretical and practical support are required to counterbalance the possible negative effects of emergency technology responses. Accordingly, it describes the consequences of globalizing phenomena, such as technocentrism, technological solutionism, platformization and data economy, and suggests that the reflection, critical consciousness engaged in transformation and action from within each local learning ecosystem are necessary to conceptualize new post-pandemic educational digital models. The article also summarizes the main contributions of the works included in this special issue.


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How to Cite
Román Mendoza, E., & Suárez-Guerrero, C. (2021). Placing Local Learning Ecosystems at the Forefront of Technological Globalization: Challenges faced by Post-Pandemic Digital Educational Models. RiiTE Interuniversity Journal of Research in Educational Technology, (11), 1–11.