Systematic Review of the Use of Technology for the Statistics Teaching-Learning
Teaching-learning of statistics is important in the school curriculum of all countries in the world at different educational levels, due to the need to achieve statistical literacy to train active and critical citizens in contemporary information-driven societies. The article offers an overview of what has been investigated so far on the use of technology in the teaching-learning of statistics and how it favors it, with the purpose of distinguishing the frontier of knowledge and locating the points of opportunity to contribute new proposals mediated by technology and educational innovation. Mixed methods meta-synthesis was used. The search for open access research articles, to allow reproducibility, was conducted with Campbell's guide for systematic reviews in Redalyc, Base, DOAJ, Science Direct and ERIC scientific databases in the period from 2010 to 2021 using the formula: ("statistical education" OR "educación estadística") AND ("Technology" OR "tecnología"). The 72 articles which met the inclusion criteria were reviewed with the classification categories: focus, topic, and technology, through a content analysis. Among the most important results were 25 articles (34.72 %) that used the most frequent technology, 7 used some statistical program for data analysis and processing; 6 articles were from some i-use website and 4 others from TinkerPlots or Fathom; all suggest the use of technology; the articles that used more technology in their research were from Europe (48.15 %). Finally, 18 articles that did not use technology suggested its use in the teaching-learning of statistics, its incorporation in the curricula as well as in teachers training. It is necessary the creation of materials mediated by technology for increasing students’ disposition and its positive impact the teaching-learning of statistics.
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