La Alfabetización en información en las universidades


  • José A. Gómez Hernández
  • Judith Licea de Arenas
Keywords: information literacy, universities, university students, university libraries.


An enormous amount of publications on information literacy has been published over the past decade. However, it is not known yet how students learn to develop their information skills such as: recognising when information is needed and having the ability to locate, evaluate, and use it effectively. Since Zurkowski coined the concept in 1974, information literacy has been defined many times. Therefore, we attempted to explain that information literacy is nowadays a basic skill for students and university staff. This means that universities need to change their teaching and learning styles. On the other hand, libraries should offer new services in order to overcome information illiteracy among their communities. Collaboration between librarians and teachers is a must.


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How to Cite
Gómez Hernández, J. A., & Licea de Arenas, J. (2002). La Alfabetización en información en las universidades. Journal of Educational Research, 20(2), 469–486. Retrieved from