Diagnóstico en la teleformación: construcción y validación de un escalograma Guttman


  • Rafael García Pérez
Keywords: Guttman’s scales/ scalogran, assessment techniques and procedures, webbased teaching/E-Learning, knowledge society, reliability and validity, construct validity, concurrent validity


The methodological study that we present in this article it considers its object the construction and validation of a scalogran to explore some functions of assessment in the learning of university students with systems of «e-learning». Also, in a more conceptual line, we present the Guttman’s scales as instruments of assessment to study this type of educational processes. It’s revised some methodological properties of the scalogran, that it are very appropriate tools for to be integrated in the design of the educational Web pages. This assessment instrument permits, to the users, resolve of efficient form for the initial evaluation of themselves in the systems of «e-learning»; especially, when it’s designed to attend to a diversity of users with different educational levels. This is the case of the «S. T. MIDE», which it’s created like virtual support to the learning of the subject: «Techniques and Instruments of Assessment». It’s presented an scalogran that the users can utilize for the initial evaluation of themselves, of its level of control in subject, differentiating among levels of «inexperienced», «initiated» and «expert» for the auto-selection of activities of e-learning. In short, it’s presented an empirical study of the reliability and validity (of construct and concurrent) of the scalogran elaborated for the assessment function in the universitary e-learning.


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How to Cite
García Pérez, R. (2004). Diagnóstico en la teleformación: construcción y validación de un escalograma Guttman. Journal of Educational Research, 22(1), 277–302. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rie/article/view/98891