El diagnóstico en educación en la comunicación científica y bases de datos internacionales


  • Ignacio J. Alfaro Rocher
Keywords: Educational diagnosis, keywords, documentation, concept-mapping, bibliometrics, statistical analysis


The objective of this work is to present an exploration of the current scientifi c research on the field of ‘Educational Diagnosis’ through a bibliometric methodology using as a fundamental axis the same descriptor, which is thoroughly accepted in thesauri of the more credited databases on Psychology and Education. Logically, this analysis of scientifi c production for a period of 17 years and within a volume of 1,464 articles classifi ed with this descriptor defi nes the state of scientific knowledge in this subject in an objective way. Moreover, a suggestive model of diagnostic intervention derived from the application of some multivariate techniques related to concept mapping is inferred.


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How to Cite
Alfaro Rocher, I. J. (2004). El diagnóstico en educación en la comunicación científica y bases de datos internacionales. Journal of Educational Research, 22(1), 145–182. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rie/article/view/98821