Evaluation of the impact of clinic research methodology diploma


  • Chantal Biencinto López
  • Rafael Carballo Santaolalla
  • Miguel Carrasco Asenjo
Keywords: Evaluation, impact, descriptive statistics


The present article has as objective to present/display the results of a evaluative study made by the departament MIDE of the UCM in collaboration with the Council of Health, in order to determine the impact of the diploma <<Methodology of Investigation in Clinic>> distributed by the CUSP. This program, from its creation for 6 years, it comes making evaluations on the operation process of the same one, analyzing the levels of satisfaction of its assistants (reaction evaluation), as well as of its learnings. With this study it was wanted to go further on and to know which were the effects that it was having on the professional activity of the students who had attended it and to be able to state if the last objectives of this program (improvement of the investigating and welfare capacity of the sanitary professionals) were fulfilled.


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How to Cite
Biencinto López, C., Carballo Santaolalla, R., & Carrasco Asenjo, M. (2005). Evaluation of the impact of clinic research methodology diploma. Journal of Educational Research, 23(1), 173–185. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rie/article/view/98491