Educational experience on the understanding of emotions and beliefs of students with autism spectrum disorder


  • Josefina Lozano Martínez Universidad de Murcia
  • Salvador Alcaraz García
  • Pilar Colás Bravo
Keywords: Autism spectrum disorder, emotion understanding, belief, social skill, instruction, instructional materials, evaluation


This study reports the effect of an educational intervention based on the understanding of emotions and beliefs in students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The research was conducted on seven pupils of Primary Education and five of Secondary Education. A unique group, pre-test and post-test, design was employed. To collect information, didactic materials were elaborated. For the assessment of effect of this teaching on the social daily skills, interviews with teachers were administered. The results showed statistically significant differences between levels of understanding of emotions and beliefs before and after the educational intervention and interviews we report positive effects in daily social skills. These results suggest that the process of educational intervention carried out on the basis of the education of the understanding of emotions and beliefs can produce positive effects in the social skills.


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How to Cite
Lozano Martínez, J., Alcaraz García, S., & Colás Bravo, P. (2010). Educational experience on the understanding of emotions and beliefs of students with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Educational Research, 28(1), 65–78. Retrieved from