Historical and educational overviw of Spain under the Franco Regime. Influences and impact of life testimonies of senior citizens


  • Matías Bedmar Moreno
  • Inmaculada Montero García
Keywords: History of Education, oral History, Franco's regime, intergenerational relationships, elderly, interview, qualitative research.


An oral history research on Spanish Franquism education, based on students and the elderly, which have given their experiences and life history. The methodology employed was fundamentally qualitative in nature, based on semi-structured interviews and subsequent content analysis. The results from the interviews gave us hints and knowledge of our immediate past and its educational protocols and circumstances. We have also get know the disgraceful educative materials and the distressing pedagogie methods used at that time, mainly caused because of Civil War and its consequences. Participation of the voluntaries in the research increased motivation for learning on the part of the students in question and the opportunity for a fruitful encounter between older people and young people.


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How to Cite
Bedmar Moreno, M., & Montero García, I. (2010). Historical and educational overviw of Spain under the Franco Regime. Influences and impact of life testimonies of senior citizens. Journal of Educational Research, 28(1), 141–156. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rie/article/view/97851