Técnicas de recolección de datos en entornos virtuales más usadas en la investigación cualitativa


  • Dania Mª Orellana López
  • Mª Cruz Sánchez Gómez
Keywords: Information and Communication Technologies, technical of gathering of data, virtual environments, qualitative investigation.


The incorporation and use of the technologies of the information and communication (TIC) in the society in general demand to redefine and/or to enlarge the field of action of the qualitative investigation when providing wide possibilities for their address and development as well as new social situations in new interaction spaces. These spaces or virtual environments are generating of great documental, observational and conversational potential what you/they modify the procedures in an or another way or technical conventional so much in the gathering of data like in their production, storage, analysis and presentation. This article is product of the investigation work «Technical of more utilized Gathering of Data in the Qualitative Investigation implemented in Virtual Environments» within the framework of the doctorate program «Processes of Formation in Virtual Spaces».


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How to Cite
Orellana López, D. M., & Sánchez Gómez, M. C. (2006). Técnicas de recolección de datos en entornos virtuales más usadas en la investigación cualitativa. Journal of Educational Research, 24(1), 205–222. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rie/article/view/97661