Estudio y caracterización del discurso escolar: Aplicación del análisis de correspondencias múltiples


  • Mª Ángeles Rebollo Catalán Universidad de Sevilla
Keywords: Narrative inquiry, Discusion groups, Discourse analysis, Classrom discourse, Speech genres, Cultural-historical theory.


This paper presents an empirical study, whose purpose has been to explore features of claseroom discourse and to identify typical speech genres in school contexts. Startingfrom sociocultural theory and, specifically its contribution aboutsemiotic mediation and its power to generate mentalfunctions, this study fits into the interdisciplinary sphere of «discourse analysis». In the methodological side, it has been explored somepossibilities of multivariant statistics techniques such as multiple correspondence analisys and cluster analisys in order to caraceterice classroom discourse and to identify ways of classroom discourse.


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How to Cite
Rebollo Catalán, M. Ángeles. (2002). Estudio y caracterización del discurso escolar: Aplicación del análisis de correspondencias múltiples. Journal of Educational Research, 20(1), 131–151. Retrieved from