Evaluación de las necesidades de los jóvenes con diferencias auditivas en el proceso de transición al mundo laboral


  • Mario de Miguel Díaz
  • Marisa Pereira González


In this workwe present a study of needs assessment of theyouth with hearing difficulties in their processes of insertion in the world of work. In the introduction, we highlight the importance of this type offield studies as a basefor the development ofpolitics and programs of social and educational intervention in order to respond to the real needs of these youth. Next, we explain the methodology of this research: 1) the main goals of the study; 2) the phases of the needs assessment; 3) the procedures to collect the information; 4) the selection of the sample and 5) the techniques to analyse the data. In third place, we synthesise the main results and conclusions of the study, linking them to the outlined objectives. Tofinish, we pose the performance proposals that are derived of the whole process carried out.


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How to Cite
de Miguel Díaz, M., & Pereira González, M. (2002). Evaluación de las necesidades de los jóvenes con diferencias auditivas en el proceso de transición al mundo laboral. Journal of Educational Research, 20(1), 89–111. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rie/article/view/97511