Evaluación de 360º: una aplicación a la educación emocional


  • Rafael Bisquerra Alzina
  • Francesc Martínez Olmo
  • Maritxell Obiols Soler
  • Nuria Pérez Escoda
Keywords: Evaluation 360º, feedback 360º, emotional education, emotional intelligence, emotional competencies


Programmes evaluation in emotional education is a difficult subject due to the characteristics of the phenomena to be evaluated. As well as the long tradition in knowledge evaluation through paper and pencil tests, competency evaluation still has a long way to go in order to provide satisfactory evidence. When we speak of emotional competencies, it is made even more difficult. In this article 360º evaluation is presented, also known as 360º feedback, as an alternative in emotional education. This technique can be used in the evaluation of programmes as well as people. The characteristics of this technique and the application to a real situation are exposed; the evaluation of a programme of emotional education in secondary education. The technique involves obtaining a stereoscopic vision of the phenomena from the opinions of various people. In this case, a minimum of seven people evaluate each student: three teachers, three other students, as well as an auto-evaluation by each student himself. It is a technique that presents complexity, as much as in the application as in the correction, but the results can be considered satisfactory. At the moment, the 360º evaluation is probably one of the most appropiate for evaluation in emotional education.


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How to Cite
Bisquerra Alzina, R., Martínez Olmo, F., Obiols Soler, M., & Pérez Escoda, N. (2006). Evaluación de 360º: una aplicación a la educación emocional. Journal of Educational Research, 24(1), 187–203. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rie/article/view/97371