Promoción del aprendizaje estratégico y competencias de aprendizaje en estudiantes de primero de universidad: evaluación de una intervención


  • Fuensanta Hernández Pina Universidad de Murcia
  • Pedro Rosário
  • José David Cuesta Sáez de Tejada
  • Pilar Martínez Clares Universidad de Murcia
  • Encarna Ruiz Lara
Keywords: Competence, metacognition, learning strategies, approaches to learning, higher education


Within the Higher Education European Space, certain teaching-learning processes are required to be focussed on the promotion of competences and strategies that enable students to perform indepent study and better learning. The PACA Project (Promoción y Autorregulación y Competencias de Aprendizaje, i.e. promotion of self-regulation and learning competences) tries to equip university students with the required strategic tools to approach their learning processes more effectively.

This Project is based on the letters Gervasio, a first year university student, writes to his <<navel>> in which he tells his reflections, difficulties ann successes he experiences during his university life. These letters promote metacognitive reflection on study and learning competences. The Project has been applied to first year student from two universities during six session of 1 hour duration. The outcomes of the application of this programme suggest its usefulness when teaching learning strategies and promoting autonomy of university students.


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How to Cite
Hernández Pina, F., Rosário, P., Cuesta Sáez de Tejada, J. D., Martínez Clares, P., & Ruiz Lara, E. (2006). Promoción del aprendizaje estratégico y competencias de aprendizaje en estudiantes de primero de universidad: evaluación de una intervención. Journal of Educational Research, 24(2), 615–631. Retrieved from