Vinculación de los enfoques de aprendizaje con los intereses profesionales y los rasgos de personalidad. Aportaciones a la innovación del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en la educación superior


  • Enric Corominas Rovira
  • Montse Tesauro Cid
  • Joan Teixidó Saballs
Keywords: Learning approaches, personality factors, career personality types


This paper uses data obtained from a sample of 327 students of several university degrees on education (Primary School Teaching, Social Education, Pedagogy, Psicopedagogy) to analyze to which extent student personality traits and learning approaches are related. We use short version inventories that can be very useful in the context of the EEES, because are easy-to-use and interpretation, when applied by university staff in order to improve learning and teachin approaches. We evaluate descriptive statistics and the reliability of the inventories. The similariy with other research justifies its use in this paper. By using correlation analysis and stepwise multiple-regression analysis we show that learning approaches and personality traits are closely related. The factors Conscientiousness, Openness, Extroversion and Agreeableness (negatively) predict the deep approach. Although the predicted variance is not elevated this paper shows that personality factors should be taken into account in further research on learning approaches.


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How to Cite
Corominas Rovira, E., Tesauro Cid, M., & Teixidó Saballs, J. (2006). Vinculación de los enfoques de aprendizaje con los intereses profesionales y los rasgos de personalidad. Aportaciones a la innovación del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en la educación superior. Journal of Educational Research, 24(2), 443–473. Retrieved from