¿Violencia de género también en las universidades? Investigaciones al respecto


  • Rosa Valls
  • Esther Oliver
  • Montse Sánchez Aroca
  • Laura Ruiz Eugenio
  • Patricia Melgar
Keywords: Gender violence, University, Preventive measures


In this paper, we present some results obtained from the first phase of a research developed in the frame of the I+D+I projecto, Violencia de género en las universidades españolas [Gender violence at Spanish universities], which opens a new field of study in the existing knowledge about the phenomenon of gender violence in our country: the universities. From a review of the main literature contributions of the scientific community on this topic, this paper in divided in three parts. Firstly, we analyse some different forms which adopt gender violence at universities. Secondly, we examine some causes given by the researches to understand the development of abusive and violent behaviours against women in the university context. Finally, we describe different measures defined by the researcher to contribute to the overcoming of gender violence at universities


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How to Cite
Valls, R., Oliver, E., Sánchez Aroca, M., Ruiz Eugenio, L., & Melgar, P. (2007). ¿Violencia de género también en las universidades? Investigaciones al respecto. Journal of Educational Research, 25(1), 219–231. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rie/article/view/96771