Docentes e investigadoras en las universidades españolas: Visibilizando techos de cristal


  • Ana Guil Bozal
Keywords: Glass ending, Gender Barriers in the University


We will begin by defining the "glass ceiling", the subtle "invisible" barriers that make it difficult for the promotion of women to positions of power. I outlined some historial notes showing the presence of woman in the origins of Science, and the presence of impediments and prohibitions that she suffered for thousands of years. Discrimination continued with the creation of the University, the footprints of which can still be seen.

Next we will take a look at the main body of our work: the present data, both quantitative an qualitative graphically show that the majority of students in universities are women, but have very little presence in the positions of power. We will conclude by showing some strategies of intervention in orden to break the glass ceiling that impedes, or prevents, the professional promotion of women.


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How to Cite
Guil Bozal, A. (2007). Docentes e investigadoras en las universidades españolas: Visibilizando techos de cristal. Journal of Educational Research, 25(1), 111–131. Retrieved from