Counselling or advice needs demanded by preschool, elementary and secondary education teachers


  • D. Anaya Nieto
  • J. M. Suárez Riveiro
  • J. C. Pérez González
Keywords: preschool teachers, elementary and secondary education, advice or consulting to teachers, educational quality, teaching function


This study seeks to find out the advice or consulting needs that preschool, elementary and secondary teachers of our country demand of professional consultants concerning their job as teachers so that information serve as a point of reference for the adoption of appropriate measures to satisfy those needs, favouring the quality of education provided by our educational system. Data are based on a nationwide sample of 1464 teachers and have been analyzed at a global level and according to gender, professional seniority and the educational level where they teach. Results refer to several teaching situations and their implications for the education quality are analyzed.


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How to Cite
Anaya Nieto, D., Suárez Riveiro, J. M., & Pérez González, J. C. (2009). Counselling or advice needs demanded by preschool, elementary and secondary education teachers. Journal of Educational Research, 27(2), 413–425. Retrieved from