Métodos de evaluación en la enseñanza superior


  • M. Inda Caro
  • S. Álvarez González
  • R. Álvarez Rubio
Keywords: learning, assessment, interdisciplinary, role-playing


Spanish university is being subjected to changes in your structure and content. This process has caused that it is being set up new teaching methodologies and it has being contributed to interdisciplinary work between teachers of different areas of knowledge. Evaluation and teaching methodologies are two close skills. The goal of this paper has been if the teaching and system evaluation have an influence on performance of student. Sample was made up of students of University of Oviedo from different degree who was studying French. The methodology of roleplaying was used to teaching; and the students’ job was evaluated from three points of view: self-assessment, co-assessment and hetero-assessment. Results have showed that students followed subject of innovative way have better performance than students chose the traditional teaching and evaluation.


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How to Cite
Inda Caro, M., Álvarez González, S., & Álvarez Rubio, R. (2008). Métodos de evaluación en la enseñanza superior. Journal of Educational Research, 26(2), 539–552. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rie/article/view/94061