Focusing on Interculturality

Literature Review on Language Education Projects and Studies Conducted in Border Contexts


Keywords: interculturality, border, plurilingualism, languages education

Supporting Agencies

  • Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Borders are often characterized by the emergence of asymmetrical power relations that convey structures of domination-subordination, which potentially contribute to a negative experience of their superdiversity. It is important to deconstruct this reality through the development of plurilingual and intercultural knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Starting from the research question “what is the perspective of interculturality behind language education projects and studies developed in border contexts?”, we defined as objectives: (i) to identify and analyze language education projects and studies developed in border regions; and (ii) to discuss, based on the selected corpus, different epistemological and hermeneutical perspectives associated with the concept of interculturality. We conducted the research in ERIC, Redalyc, SciELO, Scopus and Web of Science databases, in the Community Research and Development Information Service and the European Commission scientific repositories, and in the website of Universidad Federal de Integración Latinoamericana. Consisting of 11 studies and projects, the selected corpus was subjected to categorical content analysis. The results show dissonances regarding the concept of interculturality in educational discourses, specifically at the level of implemented language education policies and programs. The maintenance of monolingual approaches in educational discourses and the scarcity of studies and programs developed in borders that allow to deal with these approaches highlight the urgency of projects that promote the resignification of these regions as spaces of bilateral symmetrical relations and multiple coexistences that value individuals’ hybrid identities.


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How to Cite
Lourenço-Simões, C., Araújo e Sá, M. H., & Matesanz del Barrio, M. (2024). Focusing on Interculturality: Literature Review on Language Education Projects and Studies Conducted in Border Contexts. Journal of Educational Research, 42(2).