Virtual Reality and Universal Learning Design
An Inclusive and Current Form of Understanding Education
This paper is based on an educational experience carried out in a faculty of education in Andalusia, in which, through some class dynamics, students worked with virtual reality and, specifically, with Pil Books as a digital tool. The methodology used in this research is quantitative and the instrument used is a questionnaire, developed ad hoc, with the aim of knowing what perception future teachers have of the use of Pil Books as well as its potential at the curricular level and for the development of skills and executive functions. This paper presents a descriptive analysis of the dimensions and items that make up the questionnaire, different analyses of variance (ANOVA), and multiple linear regressions to find out if any of the variables in this study predicts another. The results show that students make a positive assessment of the digital tool and that it has positive implications at the curricular level and in the development of students’ attention and decision-making abilities. In addition, we conclude that the students' perception of the tool is predicted by the applications it has for the class curriculum and by the way in which it allows the development of the students' executive functions and skills.
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