Student participation in Service-Learning practices, perceptions of Spanish and Mexican university teachers
Participation is a multidimensional concept frequently used in educational discourse, in which it acquires various meanings arising from the aspects involved in its definition. It is considered the backbone of the Service-Learning (SL) pedagogical proposal. Therefore, it is important to inquire about its conception and identify the type of participation promoted by university teachers in SL projects. To achieve these objectives, a qualitative study with an exploratory and interpretative scope was designed. The instrument used to collect the information was an in-depth interview that was applied to 18 teachers from universities in Spain and Mexico. The results show that teachers' conceptions are limited due to institutional obstacles, among others. It was found there are contradictions in SL practices, on the one hand, in recognizing the importance of active participation and, on the other hand, in promoting only limited participation. These contradictions allow us to investigate the dimensions that are influencing the participation of students and teachers in SL practices.
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