The importance of methodological-analytical indicators at the level of concreteness of research designs of scientific articles
This research aims to establish the importance of the different indicators of a methodological-analytical nature included in the research reports presented in scientific articles. Thus, our interest is focused on determining which of these indicators are the best predictors for establishing a scientific article profile with a higher or lower degree of concreteness. For this purpose, we selected all the scientific articles published in the seven Spanish journals within the field of educational research indexed in the Journal Citation Report (JCR) database during 2016. More precisely, we selected a total of 479 papers published during the three-year period 2014-2016. Each journal obtained an overall score depending on the presence vs absence of such methodological indicators. Following the implementation of the Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detection technique, where this variable, transformed into a new fictitious variable grouped into three levels, has been taken as a variable criterion, and, as predictors, the ten methodological-analytical indicators, it has been found that, in fact, some methodological-analytical indicators play a more important role than others in the concreteness of the research designs raised in the research work. In this way, we are able to determine how these indicators related to the quality criteria are (QUC); the type of sampling-s considered (ST3); and the study methodology (ME), which have been decisive for the establishment of more complete methodological-analytical designs.
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