Family Perceptions of Socioeconomic and Origin Diversity in their School. A Qualitative Study
The connection between families and school is key to an equitable, inclusive and intercultural education, in particular with regard to those in a more socially disadvantaged situation. The relationships between families themselves is an important and complex element in centers with high social diversity. The aim of this article is to examine the perceptions that parents have about socioeconomic diversity and the variety of family origins in the institutions where their children study. To this end, research was carried out in a school in Gipuzkoa. Eleven semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with parents of different origins and socioeconomic backgrounds. The data were recorded, transcribed and analysed performing content analysis by means of the Atlas.ti software. The results showed a general attitude of acceptance towards diversity. However, autochthonous parents adhered to certain stereotypes and expressed distrust towards immigrant families. Likewise, the economic disadvantage of some families, the unequal levels of awareness of such disadvantage, and the difficulties in its management are important factors in the relationships between families. In addition, there are conflicts and disagreements between autochthonous and immigrant families. In view of the results, it seems clear that the lack of communication between families reproduces stereotypes and the construction of a we/they. It is concluded that increasing awareness of inequality in the school community and acting on the difficulties detected may contribute to achieving better relationships and to building a more inclusive school environment.
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