Confirmatory factor analysis of anxiety towards mathematics


Keywords: mathematics; anxiety; outcome; students.


This research rethinks the factorial structure of the anxiety towards mathematics proposed by Autor (2006), through the study of a sample of 1220 students of Compulsory Secondary Education. The model of structural equations suggests a model based on four scales: "Anxiety towards the demonstration of mathematical knowledge", "Preoccupation with the inevitable presence of mathematics", "Anxiety towards mathematical action" and "Anxiety towards mathematical activity in environment Not formal". Subsequently, it has been analyzed by multiple linear regression analysis (step by step), with the aim of predicting the academic performance in mathematics measured through the qualification of the previous Mathematics course grade. The results show a higher prediction percentage in the highest course, confirming the importance of anxiety as predictor variables on the performance and therefore, its determining influence on the teaching and learning process, as well as the academic results acquired.


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Author Biographies

Vicente López-Chao, Universidad de la Laguna

PhD Professor in Department of Engineering and Architecture Techniques and Projects

Dorinda Mato-Vázquez, Universidade da Coruña

PhD Pedagogy and didactic department

Rocío Chao-Fernández, University of A Coruña

PhD professor in Department of Specific Didactics and Methods of Research and Diagnosis in Education


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How to Cite
López-Chao, V., Mato-Vázquez, D., & Chao-Fernández, R. (2019). Confirmatory factor analysis of anxiety towards mathematics. Journal of Educational Research, 38(1), 221–237.