Why university students procrastinate? Analysis of reasons and characterization of students with different types of reasons for procrastination
Academic procrastination is a behaviour that affects a high percentage of university students, which has been extensively addressed in the scientific literature. Although the frequency of procrastination and its relation to other variables has been studied extensively, there are fewer studies focused on the motives that lead to procrastination. In the present study, we analyse the reasons for procrastinating in a sample of 433 students from the University of Cádiz, using the Procrastination Assessment Scale-Students (PASS). The answers obtained have allowed to carry out a classification of the students according to their motivations. The results indicate that three types of students can be differentiated, which would procrastinate respectively for an inadequate response to the demands of the task, due to fear and insecurity, or for a search for excitement and dependence on others. Each of these types has been characterized according to personal and academic characteristics. Age, academic year, time planning, intensity of pro-crastination, self-concept as a student and self-efficacy are relevant factors in the differentiation between types of students with different motives to procrastinate. On the other hand, the variables gender, simultaneous studies with paid work and academic performance do not have significant effects. We make a discussion of the results obtained and we reflect on the intervention aimed at reducing academic procrastination in university students.
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