El clima social en centros educativos: Percepción del profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria de la Comunidad de Madrid
The social climate in schools plays an important role for students (in their academic development, respect, trust and among other aspects) and for teachers (in their teaching performance, sense of accomplishment, self-concept, coping ability, etc.). Faced with this reality, the aim of this study is to analyze the perception that the teachers of compulsory secondary education have about the climate of the center where they work. To this end, a non-experimental study has been carried out by applying a questionnaire to 1,092 teachers from the community of Madrid which evaluates the interpersonal relationships of the teachers with their students, colleagues and superiors. The possible differences in the perception of the social climate were analyzed according to the variables of the teachers (age, sex, years of experience, type of subject, etc.) and the center where they work (ownership and area). The results show that the teachers perceive, in general, an adequate climate (showing a medium level in the Teacher-Student Relationship and a medium-high level in their relationship with Colleagues and Superiors). Significant differences have been found in terms of the area and the type of center (the teachers of private and subsidized centers who perceive a better reaction with students and classmates) and the years of teaching experience of the professors (those with 5 years of experience or less who perceive a less positive climate with their students), among others.
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