Los precursores cognitivos tempranos de la lectura inicial: un modelo de aprendizaje en niños de 6 a 8 años


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/rie.37.2.312661
Keywords: learning process, cognitive ability, reading, predictive evaluation


Early literacy studies analyzes the antecedent relationships between cognitive skills in preschool education and achievement of reading during the instructional learning process. This study describes the predictive capacity of certain cognitive abilities in the early instructional stages of Spanish learning. The participants of this study was 362 Spanish children evaluated in 2nd and 3rd year of Early Childhood Education (children aged 4 to 6 years) at the first time.
The instruments used in the assessments of language skills have been the Beginning Reading Battery, the Reading Process Assessment Battery, The Rapid Automatized Naming Test and the Reading and Writing Test in Spanish. The results delimited a model of structural equations for the prediction of initial reading performance in 1st and 2nd year of Primary Education (6 to 8 years). The model reached, Learning Model in the Initial Reading, delimited the relations between the oral language skills and the skills related to the code that acts as precursors of the initial reader performance. The performance in the task of letters-naming speed at 2nd and 3rd of Early Childhood Education was presented as the best precursor of reading efficiency at 1st and 2nd year of Primary Education. The findings of study make a significant contribution to early literacy research in Spanish as a reference to develop of pedagogical actions for the achievement of reader success.


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Author Biographies

Ana María De la Calle Cabrera, Universidad de Cádiz

Doctoranda del Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva

Fernando Guzmán-Simón, Universidad de Sevilla

Profesor Ayudante Doctor del Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura y Filologías Integradas

Eduardo García-Jiménez, Universidad de Sevilla

Catedrático del Departamento de Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación


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How to Cite
De la Calle Cabrera, A. M., Guzmán-Simón, F., & García-Jiménez, E. (2019). Los precursores cognitivos tempranos de la lectura inicial: un modelo de aprendizaje en niños de 6 a 8 años. Journal of Educational Research, 37(2), 345–361. https://doi.org/10.6018/rie.37.2.312661