Análisis psicométrico y relaciones de diagnóstico de la inteligencia emocional y liderazgo en docentes de enseñanzas regladas


  • Federico Báez Mirón Universidad de Jaén
  • Felix Zurita Ortega Universidad de Granada
  • Asuncion Martinez Martinez Universidad de Granada
  • María Luisa Zagalaz Sanchez Universidad de Jaen
Keywords: psychometrics; leadership; intelligence emotional; teachers.


Emotional intelligence and leadership are two basic elements in the competences and abilities of teachers. In this study, which aims to verify the psychometric properties of TMSS-24 and MLQ-5X in teachers, describe the competence of emotional intelligence and leadership of these, and establish the relationships of these with the type of teaching that is taught. To this end, 160 teachers from all over Spain were analyzed from 137 educational centers, to which the aforementioned instruments were administered. It should be indicated as the main results the excellent adjustment of these instruments as well as their reliability being fully adequate for the group of teachers of regulated education. Within the framework of emotional intelligence should be noted that regulation and understanding are the most valued and in terms of leadership transformational types, transactional and leadership results have very similar figures. In the field of relationships, only an association was found between the transformational leadership and the type of education given, with a greater capacity for change in the university context, while in primary and vocational training the transformation is not so important.


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How to Cite
Báez Mirón, F., Zurita Ortega, F., Martinez Martinez, A., & Zagalaz Sanchez, M. L. (2018). Análisis psicométrico y relaciones de diagnóstico de la inteligencia emocional y liderazgo en docentes de enseñanzas regladas. Journal of Educational Research, 37(1), 201–216.