Cyberviolence & gender-related indicators


Keywords: cyberbullying, gender violence, adolescence, cyber-attackers

Supporting Agencies

  • Fundación BBVA de Ayudas a proyectos de Investigación


The two main objectives of this study are: first, to get to know the experiences in adolescents about gender violence in virtual environments and; two, to identify factors associated with cyber-attackers’ behaviour within the teenagers collective. 155 students of secondary education level participated. They were selected by convenience sampling. The following questionnaire was applied: Questionnaire Violences Gender 2.0. According to their experiences, results indicate that all adolescents in the sample have exercised aggression at any time, and all adolescents have been victims of aggression some time, but mainly they have observed aggression in virtual environments. The attacks are mainly related to the myths of romantic love, and to homophobia.

About the factors related to cyber-attackers’ behaviour, the results indicate that gender attacks correlate with aggression in generating cyberviolence. Virtual environments are another factor associated with ciberaggression, highlighting the active virtual environments, like Skype or asken.


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Author Biographies

Trinidad Donoso-Vázquez, University of Barcelona

Profesora Titular de universidad.

Departamento MIDE

Coordinadora del grupo GrediDona.

María José Rubio Hurtado, University of Barcelona

Profesora Titular de universidad.

Departamento MIDE

Ruth Vilà Baños, University of Barcelona

Investigadora Universidad de Barcelona. 

Departamento MIDE


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How to Cite
Donoso-Vázquez, T., Rubio Hurtado, M. J., & Vilà Baños, R. (2017). Cyberviolence & gender-related indicators. Journal of Educational Research, 35(1), 197–214.