Interactive groups as strategy to improve education: case study in a learning community
Supporting Agencies
- Investigación aprobada y financiada por el Vicerrectorado de Ordenación Académica de la Universidad de Sevilla.
This piece of research aims at discussing and reviewing interactive groups (IG) planning, execution and impact as a means of improving education all the perspective of teachers and volunteers. With that aim a case study was put together at a learning community, whose methodology is predicated on building IGs, i.e. on dialogic and collaborative interaction involving small heterogeneous cohorts of students monitored by an adult person assisting in the solving of learning activities. The sample was made up of 220 students, 10 teachers, four volunteers – making IG observation and support contributions –, and two researchers. Direct observation of 40 sessions of IG and 10 teacher interviews were reported. A content analysis was conducted through valid and reliable coding. The findings show teachers’ short-term planning geared towards solving short-term learning activities. A high proportion of students was reported to have successfully completed activities within the allocated time, achieving a higher degree of attention, cooperation and discipline. These findings are in line with those of other international research outlining the need to integrate interaction-, dialogue-, and cooperation-based teaching strategies as a means to enhance education.
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