Self-regulated learning in a college classroom: a curriculum infusion approach


  • Pedro S. L. Da Fonseca Rosário University of Minho
  • Sonia Fuentes Universidad Central, Chile
  • Marianne Beuchat Universidad de los Andes, Chile
  • Antonietta Ramaciotti
Keywords: reflexión metacognitiva, estrategias de aprendizaje, estrategias de autorregulación del aprendizaje, Educación Superior.

Supporting Agencies

  • This study was conducted at Psychology Research Centre
  • University of Minho
  • and supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and the Portuguese Ministery of Education and Science through national funds and when applicable co-financed


This paper presents and discusses the effectiveness of a curriculum infusion program to promote self-regulated learning (SRL) strategies at the University. The “Letters from Gervasio” program revolves around letters written by an imaginary freshman about their thoughts, difficulties and successes experienced at this new educational stage. The program aims to equip college students with the strategic tools that allow them to work and approach their learning in a more responsible and autonomous way. Findings indicate that the participants in the curricular infusion SRL program, when compared with students in the control group, showed statistically significant differences on learning strategies declarative knowledge, self-regulated learning strategies and SOLO.



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Author Biographies

Pedro S. L. Da Fonseca Rosário, University of Minho

Departamento de Psicologia Aplicada

Sonia Fuentes, Universidad Central, Chile



Antonietta Ramaciotti



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How to Cite
Da Fonseca Rosário, P. S. L., Fuentes, S., Beuchat, M., & Ramaciotti, A. (2015). Self-regulated learning in a college classroom: a curriculum infusion approach. Journal of Educational Research, 34(1), 31–49.