Students´ perceptions of the usefulness of learning activities for the development of competencies
Supporting Agencies
- Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación (Universitat de Barcelona)
- código del proyecto REDICE12-2100-01
This study focuses on learning activities provided in the subjects of research methodology in order to find out about the usefulness perceived by students for the development of competencies. The research study is descriptive and quantitative. A survey was administered to 121 students (University of Barcelona) who were studying Pedagogy. The results show that most of the activities are positively valued. There is no relationship between indicators of sample characterization and perceived usefulness, but differences in some subjects in relation to some variables were found. We also identified different student profiles. Activities are useful to students only when they enable students to pass a subject, involve simulation or application of contents, and involve interaction and discussion among students. Finally, some guidelines are given in order to plan activities that encourage the development of methodological skills.
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